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A Better Pair of Shoes "The Thinner Soul", a novel- Chapter 1

#ABPOS The Thinner Soul, Chp. 1

Radiance- It's the first and last words I heard after my latest single played for my investors.  "Sounds like you have a bit of a thinner soul there."  What does one do with that kind of a comment?  Then the speculating glances between the suits.  Everyone turns into a philosopher, and you're left with a wince that doubles as a smile.  It wasn't a far fetched thought or a reckless curve.  Surely I waited til age forty to find out I was only thirty-nine years old.  It's a back up all right.  And just the kind of back up that gets you a wedding proposal before the official coat check.  I thought I'd missed it.  How did any of that happen?  Stupid questions; all of them, by now!  Well, if he doesn't show up by the date we set, I'm not just keeping the dress but I'm wearing the damn thing.  

Anyway, Radiance Dunbar has one last chance to make a splash.  I've already set the records.  It's got to be double or nothing, and that was my exact response to the suits.  "Double or nothing!" 

"Really Radiance?"  Those were the words I heard next.  I'm still trying to place where they came from.  Were they from the thinner soul within me, the thinner soul without me, or the thinner soul around me?  Wherever it arrived from.. my job is to sell four million records.  Ten years ago it was a no brainer.  Now, it will probably take some brains, but I'm still radiant and the voice is still there.  Just finding it a little hard to sum it all up, and sum it all up is where my faith begins.  Two albums later; one fell flat and one still sells.  Some of that is security features of course, but sound bites are sound bites and puzzled looks is not what I live for.  That being said, they're in and I'm thinking of looking her up.  Until then "Death to Forty" is waiting to brace the airwaves and winner takes all.

A Better Pair of Shoes “The Thinner Soul”a novel

Copyright 2020 by Natisha Renee Williams and Grace Call Communications, LLC
Also Known As…  #ABPOS The Thinner Soul

Following UnEarth? Write your 1st Chapter Now behind me as I unviel my new Suspended-Release Novel.. A Better Pair of Shoes "The Thinner Soul". Beginning this week, write 2 Chapters a week. Try Monday's and Thursday's and look for new graphics as I move along in my release. We'll celebrate after the first six chapters. Tell you how later. #ABPOS #ABPOS2020 #UnEarth #Week1

All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.  Written permission must be secured from the author Natisha R. Williams and/or Grace Call Communications, LLC to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotation in critical reviews or articles.


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About The Author

About the Author NaTisha R. Williams is a versatile producer of art through her gifts as a poet, thinker, writer, and speaker.  The author first began writing poetry at age eleven, and published her first novel, Renegotiating Kayla , at age twenty-five.   Over the past decade, NaTisha has created blogs, online radio broadcasts, and several initiatives to encourage Emotional Wellness, Personal Empowerment, and Spiritual Awareness.  She is currently the writer of The Road2Wholeness Blog and the producer of The ReWIRE Show on Blog Talk Radio.  Her latest novel, A Better Pair of Shoes came at the request of reader’s feedback; after reading the book Renegotiating Kayla.  The book is a seamless continuation and supports the author’s ongoing efforts to get women thinking more deeply about healing emotional wounds, and finding the courage to stand in the face of failure.  NaTisha is also the founder and president of a small Florida-based communications company called Grace Call Co